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September 5, 2024

Rep. Froelich Speaks at Rally to Protect Children, Encourage Family Court Reform

DENVER, CO – Representative Meg Froelich spoke at a public “Rally For Action to Protect Children & Reform Family Court” today at the Ralph Carr Justice Center. Rep. Froelich accompanied family justice advocates, non-profit organizations and other local leaders. 

“Over the years, we’ve passed significant legislation to reform Colorado’s family court system so it prioritizes survivors of domestic violence and child abuse,” said Rep. Meg Froelich, D-Englewood. “Today’s rally serves as a reminder that we have a long way to go to achieve justice for survivors and protect our children. I strongly encourage our justices, judges and magistrates to not only inform themselves on the trauma associated with domestic violence, including the damage done by forced reunification therapy but to put survivors' needs first. We will continue to fight for a future where family court works to protect survivors instead of re-traumatizing them again and again.”

“When it comes to Colorado’s family court system, we need to ensure it’s working for the survivors and families – not the abusive parent,” said Rep. Tammy Story, D-Conifer. “This year we passed a new law that requires child and family investigators and evaluators to serve in the best interest of the child and we will keep working to reform our family court system until it serves survivors first.” 

This session, Reps. Froelich and Story, sponsored HB24-1350, which requires child and family investigators and evaluators to provide options that serve the best interest of the child and provides court personnel in domestic violence and child abuse cases with training opportunities to recognizing coercive control. Rep. Story was also in attendance at today’s rally. 

Rep. Froelich has played an integral role in redefining and updating state laws to improve protections for victims of domestic violence and child abuse in family court. This includes recent legislation to restrict forced reunification therapy, which can re-traumatize children and families who have experienced abuse. 

Additionally, Rep. Froelich championed HB23-1178, which created new requirements for family courts to recognize and respond to child abuse and domestic violence as well as make custody decisions that prioritize child safety and HB21-1228 which increased domestic violence training requirements for court personnel regularly involved in cases related to domestic violence. 

The rally was sparked by a recent family court case in Larimer County. Rep. Froelich and more than a dozen state lawmakers signed on to a letter urging Colorado Supreme Court Chief Justice Monica Márquez to take action to address some of the flaws in Colorado’s family court system, including protecting children from re-traumatization through reunification when it is not in the best interest of the child.

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