DENVER, CO – The House today passed legislation to implement Amendment J and remove language from the Colorado Constitution banning same-sex marriage. SB25-014 passed by a vote of 45 to 14. All House Democrats voted in favor of the bill and 14 House Republicans voted against it.
“This legislation will implement the will of the voters and protect marriage equality in Colorado,” said Rep. Brianna Titone, D-Arvada. “As the Trump administration continues to blatantly attack and demonize the LGBTQ+ community, this bill upholds marriage equality in Colorado. With the passage of this bill, we’re now one step closer to protecting the freedom to marry who we love.”
“Colorado voters have spoken; they want marriage equality constitutionally protected in our state,” said Rep. Lorena Garcia, D-Unincorporated Adams County. “In an era where the Trump administration continues to take aim at critical protections and rights for the LGBTQ+ community, Colorado is standing up to protect marriage equality. With this bill, we’re fulfilling the will of the voters and taking steps to protect marriage equality now and into the future.”
SB25-014 will implement the will of the voters by repealing the provision in Colorado statute that states that marriage is valid only if it is between a man and a woman. That provision has been unenforceable since the United States Supreme Court decision in Obergefell v. Hodges in 2015 and is now in conflict with the State Constitution. Voters overwhelmingly approved Amendment J in the 2024 election.