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March 22, 2025

House Advances SB25-003

Legislation will save lives by prohibiting the purchase and sale of all rapid fire conversion devices, commonly known as “bump stocks”, and by creating a permit to purchase dangerous, semi-automatic military style firearms that can accept high capacity magazines

DENVER, CO - The House today advanced legislation on a preliminary vote that would fully implement and enforce Colorado’s existing high-capacity magazine prohibition to save lives.

“The gun violence epidemic requires meaningful action, which is why I’m sponsoring this bill to protect all Coloradans from gun violence,” said Speaker Pro Tempore Andy Boesenecker, D-Fort Collins. “Colorado has a tragic history of mass shootings and our state's high-capacity magazine ban needs to be enforced to save lives. This legislation will help ensure these deadly weapons won’t get into the wrong hands.”

“Preventing gun violence is one of the most effective ways that we can make our communities safer and save lives,” said Rep. Meg Froelich, D-Englewood. “Semi-automatic weapons and high-capacity magazines are uniquely lethal and dangerous. This bill is a commonsense solution to ensure that people receive effective training and meet the requirements under state and federal firearm laws before purchasing the most lethal weapons on the market. From background checks and waiting periods to limits on high-capacity magazines, Colorado Democrats have enacted multiple laws to protect Coloradans from future gun violence.”

Beginning August 1, 2026, SB25-003 would fully implement and enforce Colorado’s existing law by requiring a permit and firearm safety training to purchase high-powered firearms that accept detachable magazines. The bill would also prohibit the purchase and sale of after-market accessories that increase the rate of fire of a semi-automatic firearm, like binary triggers.

The bill would allow a person to purchase a semiautomatic firearm with a detachable magazine after undergoing a background check and completing a firearm certification course that includes information on safe gun usage, federal and state firearm laws, de-escalation and crisis intervention strategies, range time, and more. 

The bill would not impact the sale of shotguns, commonly used hunting rifles, semiautomatic firearms that have fixed magazines and almost all handguns. While SB25-003 would prohibit the sale of gas-operated semiautomatic handguns, the sale of recoil-operated handguns, which make up over 90 percent of the pistol market, would not be impacted by the bill. The bill also would not impact the possession of currently-owned firearms.

In response to the 2013 Aurora theater shooting, Colorado Democrats passed legislation that prohibited the sale and transfer of magazines that hold more than 15 rounds of ammunition. Currently, individuals seeking to bypass existing law can legally buy magazines in neighboring states and attach them to high-powered, military-style firearms.

Semi-automatic weapons and high-capacity magazines have been used in numerous mass shootings in Colorado, including the 2021 Boulder King Soopers shooting, the 2022 Club Q shooting, and the Columbine High School massacre.


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