DENVER, CO – The House Health & Human Services Committee today passed legislation to implement voter-approved protections for abortion care and pregnancy-related services.
“Coloradans believe it is your constitutional right to access the full range of reproductive health care, including abortion. This bill simply implements the voters’ will,” said Rep. Lorena Garcia, D-Unincorporated Adams County. “Despite the Trump administration’s efforts to dismantle abortion care and access or restrict funding all together, Colorado remains a beacon for reproductive freedom. To further reduce federal interference, our legislation reduces the state’s reliance on federal reimbursement for reproductive health care. This bill upholds the will of the voters to ensure your fundamental right to access life-saving abortion care is never ripped away.”
“Voters made their voices loud and clear – abortion must remain legal and protected in Colorado,” said Speaker Julie McCluskie, D-Dillon. “Given the uncertain future of abortion access in our nation, Colorado Democrats stepped up in recent years to protect reproductive health care in our state. Importantly, this bill expands reproductive health care coverage, which means Colorado's public employees can receive the essential care they need without jumping through hoops. In Colorado, we trust people to make their own medical decisions without government interference, and I’m proud to carry this bill through the House.”
In November 2024, Colorado voters overwhelmingly approved Amendment 79 to enshrine the right to abortion in the Colorado Constitution and remove the state’s prohibition on using public funds to cover abortion care. SB25-183 would implement the will of the voters by updating Colorado statute to reflect changes necessitated by Amendment 79’s passage. SB25-183 passed committee by a vote of 9-4.
Beginning on January 1, 2026, the bill would ensure that state employee health insurance plans cover abortion care and require the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing to authorize reimbursements for abortion care under publicly funded insurance, including community members with coverage through Health First Colorado, and the Reproductive Health Care Program.
Amendment 79 won with 62-percent of the vote statewide. Of the 65 House Districts, Amendment 79 received at least 55-percent of the vote in 46 districts. In a Congressional breakdown, Amendment 79 won majority yes in six out of eight Colorado’s congressional districts, including CD-3.